Hello, kindreds.

Your voice is needed.

How will you honor it?

  Are you in the right place? 

Creative spirits do not like being tamed.

Maybe you are feeling more anxious than joyful about your writing practice. Critique groups confuse and disorient you more than directing and inspiring you. You feel doubtful about your voice. You're procrastinating. You rely on external forces of judgement to assess your worth. Rejection obliterates you. Dejected, you think maybe it's better you didn't write at all.    

You're not alone. I've been there. Most writers have and will again. Which is why we must make an active effort, in the midst of turmoil, to return to our breath. To our beating hearts. To our why. Our instinct. Our homeland.  

Your voice is needed. Even if for no one but yourself.

This online space is a gateway for return. My classes, blogs, and coaching bring creative inspiration and support to writers who are ready to reconnect to their intuition. 

  holistic coaching for writers at all points in their practice

Why consider coaching?

  • For 1:1 support in the writing process
  • For a mindful, embodied exploration of what's blocking your creative flow
  • To feel your unique creative power mirrored back to you 
  • To receive attentive, personal, and value-based feedback on your work

"We communicate to connect, to know community." 
-bell hooks

The Be Bold Program offers not just 1:1 intentional coaching, but also sustained creative community. You don't have to navigate creative living alone. 
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